Juneau: Flood mitigation update at September 9 Assembly Committee of the Whole worksession
AkGlobe News/10291520

~ The Assembly Committee of the Whole will be holding a worksession on Monday, September 9 at 6 p.m. to discuss flood mitigation. The worksession will include an update from representatives of various federal agencies who are meeting with the City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ) today, September 6. CBJ participants will then report back to the Assembly during the worksession.

The worksession will take place both in person at the City Hall Assembly Chambers and remotely via Zoom. The Zoom link is https://juneau.zoom.us/j/95424544691 and the dial-in number is 1-253-215-8782 with ID 954 2454 4691.

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It should be noted that unlike regular Assembly meetings, this worksession will not include opportunities for public testimony. However, individuals are welcome to submit their comments to [email address].

For those seeking more information on flood recovery resources and updates, please visit juneau.org/manager/flood-response. Any questions can be directed to [email address].

Filed Under: Government, City

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