Juneau: CBJ property tax payments due September 30
AkGlobe News/10255964

~ The City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ) is reminding residents that property tax payments for 2023 are due on Saturday, September 30. This year, the deadline falls on a Saturday, so it does not move to the next business day. Payments must be received or postmarked by September 30 to avoid late fees and penalties.

Property tax payments can be submitted in several ways: by mail to CBJ Treasury, 155 South Seward St., Juneau, AK 99801; in person at City Hall during regular business hours with cash or check; dropped in one of the City's three dropbox locations at Super Bear IGA, Foodland IGA, or City Hall; or online through InvoiceCloud with eCheck or credit card. Credit card transactions are subject to a convenience fee; there is no additional fee to pay by eCheck.

Residents should also be aware that CBJ will no longer initiate a direct debit for property tax bills. If you previously had a property tax auto pay set up through CBJ, you will need to set up your scheduled payment with InvoiceCloud.

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The CBJ Cash Office will be open for extended hours the last week in September: Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., for those wishing to pay in person with cash or check.

For those submitting payments by mail, it is important to note that USPS only postmarks certain mail depending on the type of postage used and may not postmark on the same day the item was deposited in the mail by the sender. If a payment is received after the deadline with a late or missing postmark, it will be considered late and penalties will be added to your bill. To avoid any postmark confusion, taxpayers are encouraged to pay online with InvoiceCloud instead of mailing their payments in order to ensure timely payment of their taxes without penalty fees being incurred.

Taxpayers should also be aware that many lenders do not make tax payments until close to the due date and caution should be taken when relying on lenders for payment of taxes as CBJ cannot confirm if they intend to make a payment on your behalf.

If you have questions regarding payment of your property taxes, contact the Treasury Office at , or call (907) 586-5215 ext 4907 and include your parcel number or physical address that specifically identifies your property with any inquiries made.

Filed Under: Government, City

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