Juneau: August 19 Assembly meetings moved to Centennial Hall
AkGlobe News/10289605

~ Juneau, AK - The City and Borough of Juneau Assembly will be holding their Human Resources Committee and Regular Assembly meetings on Monday, August 19 at Centennial Hall instead of the usual City Hall Assembly Chambers. The meetings will also be accessible remotely through Zoom.

The Regular Assembly meeting will include an update on the Mendenhall River flood response. Agendas and packets for both meetings are now available on the CBJ website at juneau-ak.municodemeetings.com.

The Human Resources Committee meeting will begin at 6 p.m. and can be accessed through the following Zoom link: https://juneau.zoom.us/j/95241164899. Participants can also join by dialing 1-253-215-8782 and entering the webinar ID: 952 4116 4899. The agenda and packet for this meeting can be found at https://juneau-ak.municodemeetings.com/bc-hrc/p....

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The Regular Assembly meeting will start at 7 p.m. and can be joined through this Zoom link: https://juneau.zoom.us/j/91515424903. Dial-in participants can use the same number as above but with a different webinar ID: 915 1542 4903. The agenda and packet for this meeting can be found at https://juneau-ak.municodemeetings.com/bc-assem....

For those who wish to participate in person, a sign-up sheet will be available at the back of the Chambers during the meeting. However, those who want to provide oral testimony remotely must notify the Municipal Clerk by calling (907) 586-5278 before 4 p.m. on Monday, August 19 and indicating which topic(s) they wish to speak about. The Mayor will limit testimony time based on the number of participants.

The public is also encouraged to send their comments in advance of the meeting to [email address]. For a full schedule of CBJ public meetings, visit juneau.org/calendar.

Filed Under: Government, City

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